The CORNY Story behind OUR MAZE
About West Blount CORN MAZE
We are pleased to announced our latest attraction, the West Blount Corn Maze Coming this Fall 2024!
The corn maze will open September 28, 2024 and run through November 3, 2024.
The West Blount Corn Maze is located 30 miles north of Birmingham in the Warrior/Hayden area off I-65.
The maze will be designed and cut by MazePlay. It will be a unique and entertaining venue for families to attend.
Corn Mazes have become extremely popular. People from all over the country enjoy the opportunity to test their mental and physical skills in the mazes. Many recognize the unique and quality entertainment opportunity that a corn maze provides for the community. The challenge of the maze is a puzzle all can enjoy from old-to-young. It is a good wholesome way to enjoy yourself outdoors. You can participate with your friends and family, and it will help strengthen your mind, body and spirit.
It’s big and it’s amazing! Imagine artwork that covers acres in a canvas of corn. MazePlay mazes look wonderful from the air. Shaw Stolworthy, of MazePlay, has placed his artwork in a gallery of hundreds of cornfields across the United States. You can see these spectacular mazes at His maze designs are intricate and detailed. Truly, it is art that is unmatched.
The West Blount Corn Maze will be something fun for the entire Blount County and surrounding areas!
Make your plans now to attend!
Online ticket purchases and sponsorship opportunities coming soon!